I share the top 15 tips for what to eat to help you get pregnant faster, and dive into the evidence on the best fertility foods.
If you missed it last week, I was discussing some of the myths and facts around fertility foods and answering the question can foods help you get pregnant. I also shared my personal struggle with infertility and my IVF journey to getting the baby I am a mere few months from meeting.

Today I wanted to dive more into some of the long-term evidence-based strategies when it comes to what to eat to help you get pregnant. To do that, I chatted with my colleagues Elizabeth Shaw and Sara Haas who have an amazing new cookbook called the Fertility Foods Cookbook that goes into incredible detail about everything you want to eat to meet baby. Between their fave fertility foods and my own research, I’ve compiled a list of the best foods to eat to get pregnant.
Top 15 Tips for What to Eat to Help You Get Pregnant
1. Go Decaf
Okay so this one might be hard for some of you to swallow, but research suggests that caffeine may interfere with the natural contractions that help carry a women’s egg to her womb. It also appears that drinking two or more caffeinated drinks (by either partner) may increase the risk of miscarriage. If you’re a heavy caffeine consumer, you might as well start to wean yourself off now by choosing half-caf or decaf more often.

2. Be the DD
Again, more bad news for us ladies that want babies. One study found that women who consumed more than 2 drinks a day reduced their chances of conception by 18%. Ugh, apparently you’re going to be ordering virgin mimosas for more than those precious 9 months.
3. Love the Lycopene
Lycopene is a specific antioxidant that early research suggests may help male sperm motility issues! Haas and Shaw recommend loading up on tomatoes like in this Veggie Shakshuka, but you can also grab some guava, watermelon and pink grapefruit.
4. Up that Vitamin D
Research suggests that those with sufficient vitamin D levels had higher rates of pregnancy compared with those whose levels were lagging (and a lot of North Americans are not getting enough). In addition to fortified dairy and alternatives, Haas and Shaw recommend trying UV-exposed mushrooms. Try subbing your meat for mushrooms in these vegan sloppy joes!
5. Antioxidants to the Rescue
One large systematic review found that antioxidants helped improve pregnancy outcome by enhancing sperm quality and general pregnancy rates. It’s specifically been found that the combination of Vitamin C, Vitamin E and CoQ10 are the ideal antioxidant “stack” to improve your fertility chances. Try nuts or avocado for vitamin E, lean beef or mackerel for CoQ10, and as Shaw and Haas recommend, berries for Vitamin C.
6. Fill Up on Full Fat Dairy
One impressive 8 year study found that women who ate two or more weekly servings of low-fat dairy increased their risk of ovulatory failure by 85%, while including full-fat dairy reduced infertility risk by 27%. Bring on the homo milk! You can read more about the skim vs whole milk debate here!
7. Fermented Foods FTW
Research consistently suggests that gut health is imperative to overall health, and the world of fertility is no exception. As Shaw and Haas told me, emerging research suggests that the health of the mother’s gut may play a role in the infant’s microbiome and health later on in their life. For that reason, it’s important to take care of it with probiotic rich fermented foods like sauerkraut, yogurt, kimchee and kombucha. We are totally obsessed with these kombucha floats!
8. Go Slow (Carbs)
Research has linked consuming high glycemic index foods (like pastries, white bread and sugary cereals) to higher rates of ovulatory infertility, while fibre-rich carbs like whole grains help reduce the risk. Get your carb fix with fobre-loaded foods like quinoa, barley, buckwheat and wheat bran. We are currently obsessed with this Pizza Quinoa Casserole.
9. Pulse Power
We love the plant-based trend for so many reasons, but especially because one study found that women who consumed 5% of their calories from vegetable protein (like pulses) reduced their risk of ovulatory infertility by 50%. Get your fix from beans, lentils, chickpeas and more in recipes like my protein avocado toast.
10. Pass the Choline
This unique B vitamin is important for supporting a healthy pregnancy and baby. Load up on choline-rich foods like eggs, dairy, pasta, meat and poultry. You should definitely try this Spring Vegetarian breakfast pizza.
11. Fork over the Folate
Folate is the foundation of all prenatal vitamins. That’s because it’s key to preventing neural tube defects in the first few months of the fetus development. Research has also shown that not getting enough folate can increase issues related to egg production issues by 40%. So while taking your daily supplement is KEY, you can boost your intake with foods like cooked green veg, pulses and seeds. I love this spinach strata for lazy Sunday brunch.
12. Pass the Myo-Inositol
One of the major fertility diagnoses is insulin-resistant PCOS and research has found that using myo-inositol may improve insulin sensitivity to regulate a patient’s cycle. In addition to speaking to your doctor about taking a supplement, you can also add foods that are rich in myo-inositol like grapefruit and navy beans.
13. Up the Omega 3
Again, another nutrient that is really important at any life cycle stage, but it may give you an extra leg up during your monthly baby dance sesh. has linked greater omega 3 levels to lower amounts of inflammatory fertility issues like endometriosis while it has also been shown to help improve sperm count and motility. We love fatty fish like salmon, arctic char and trout like in my recipe for Maple Arctic Char.
14. Feasting on (Good) Fat
Fats are back (and we’re happy about that), but research suggests that women who consume higher intake of saturated fats (largely found in animal protein) have fewer quality embryos to work with. In contrast, consuming polyunsaturated fats is linked to high quality embryos. Monounsaturated fats are linked to the best chance of a live birth. Aim to cut back on fatty cuts of meats and fried food and incorporate more olive oil, fatty fish, avocados, nuts and seeds into your day.
15. Eat like the Mediterranean’s Do
The Mediterranean diet consistently comes out on top for pregnancy success rates and for good reason. Research suggests that consuming a diet rich in fish, pulses, and veggies, and low is saturated fat and sugar (as advocated for by the Mediterranean diet) helps to increase the likelihood of pregnancy by 40%. So if you basically just follow the specific diet recommendations above (with the exception of maybe the alcohol thing), you’ll be eating the Mediterranean way and hopefully on your way to meeting baby.
I hope you now have a better understanding about what the research says about what to eat to help you get pregnant. Aren’t you glad you’re not limited to pineapple core, pomegranate juice and brazil nuts every day? Now I want to hear from you:
Have you or someone you know struggled with infertility?
Have you tried any of these foods to eat to help you get pregnant?
What are some of the fertility foods you’ve heard about that help with baby making?
Leave me a comment below with your thoughts!

Updated on October 4th, 2021

Abbey Sharp is a Registered Dietitian (RD), regulated by the Ontario College of Dietitians. She is a mom, YouTuber, Blogger, award winning cookbook author, media coach specializing in food and nutrition influencers, and a frequent contributor to national publications like Healthline and on national broadcast TV shows.
Jo says
Thanks Abbey, great article!
I have to ask though, on the point about full fat dairy – low fat dairy twice a week led to an 85% increase in risk for ovulatory failure? That’s pretty scary. I’m actively trying to conceive right now and have non fat Greek yogurt on the regular. Am I reading that stat right?
Abbey Sharp says
The research says there MAY be a risk with consumption of low fat dairy but the opposite may be true for full fat dairy
fadila maatoug says
thank you
soumia says
thank you
laura says
You need help to GET PREGNANT? contact Dr Mobaco spell temple on this email ([email protected]) I am Stacy Maria from USA, I have been TRYING TO CONCEIVE for 10 years and needed help! i have Been going to the doctors but still nothing, the doctor said me and my husband are fine , I don’t know where else to turn. until one day my friend Amanda introduce me to this great man who helped her to get back her lost husband back and also made her pregnant, So I decided to contact this Great man Dr Mobaco on his email([email protected]) after interaction with him he instructed me on what to do and gave me TIPS TO GET PREGNANT FAST, after then i had sex with the man I love most in this world, within the next one months i went for a check up and my doctor confirmed that i am 4weeks pregnant am so happy !!!!! if you also need help to get pregnant or need your ex back please contact his email address: ([email protected]) he did it for me and he can also solve your problem too
Abbey Sharp says
Thats great news! Im happy you found something that worked for you.
Tina Samson says
My name is Tina Samson, am married for 2years now no baby please I need your assistance.
fast pregnancy says
I noticed your article and read it. I just loved the way you wrote.
Thanks for the given article.
Abbey Sharp says
thank you! im glad it was helpful 🙂
Sharol mthantianti says
Hi a was surprised 2 cee dis 15 tips of food 2 eat in order 2 become pregnant cz I’ve never try it.i want 2 be pregnant bt a ddin knw what 2 do.a was preventing since 2011 until 2018.please help Thanks.
Drjames says
Am writing this to those who have decided to give up on TTC. It was a devastating experience and Thank God I married an understanding husband. Someone that understands that no matter what you go through in life, there is always light at the ending of the tunnel and truly, there was light at the end of the tunnel for me. I never thought there will come a day where I will hold my own child without any medical intervention. I was diagnosed fibroid, Fallopian tubal blockage an PCOS. It get to an extent that sometimes I run into chronic depression. Yes!! It was that bad. Stigmatization was my new name. That wasn’t all So I got introduced to this natural supplement and I told myself..
“If this doesn’t work then I am done. but I thank god the natural supplement has work for me, and i am finally a happy mother today. am sharing this because I know those who have faith and believe will also benefit from this. Interested person can WhatsApp or call drjames with this line ( +234815 627 6428
Emilla john says
Hey Abbey, I loved your blog. It’s been 4 years me and my husband are trying to get pregnant but there are no results. We tried many things to make things work out for us. That is probably one of the reasons I came to your blog. And I must say these are some very helpful things I found here. Thanks
Abbey Sharp says
Happy to hear they’re helpful for you. Thanks
Bethany Wooller says
I was an awesome feeling when i found out that i am pregnant, i could not believe myself, after trying for years now, finally i have been able to be called a proud mother to my baby boy. my husband is glad too, by standing by me all the way with strong feeling we will achieve this together. i am giving this hint to couples who are struggling with infertility, your time as come as well, with the help of Dr Iya herbal remedy, which i myself use to get pregnant with few days of using it as directed by the doctor. you can also have a child to call your own. this is the doctor contact [email protected]
Abbey Sharp says
thanks for sharing
Stela-Patel says
Hi, My name is stela, I need your help to get a pregnant, my phone number is +16085679441, thank you
ferahtia_FS says
thanks so much for the information
Deek says
Hi Abbey!
My dietitian recommended your site to me. I was recently diagnosed with PCOS and we’ve been trying for about 8 months without any ovulation. Going to be diving deep into your site! Any advice you can give is much appreciated. Thanks!
Abbey Sharp says
Hi there, I have two great posts that you should check out first. Here’s one: https://www.abbeyskitchen.com/pcos-diet-part-1/ and here’s the other: https://www.abbeyskitchen.com/pcos-diet-part-2/ . Thanks for stopping by and I hope you find the information helpful.
Natalie says
I love all these tips. I have few people who needs to read this. Sharing!
Abbey Sharp says
Amazing! Hope they help 🙂
GiGi Eats says
If my husband ever comments on my being a nut job for eating so much salmon and eating whole avocados by themselves, I will just tell him I am trying to get pregnant. Then he will SERVE ME MORE – hahahahahah!
Abbey Sharp says
Hahah that should work!
Chrissy @ Snacking in Sneakers says
Great info! The full fat dairy thing fascinates me when it comes to fertility. Definitely an area I want to learn more about.
Abbey Sharp says
Yes, super fascinating!
Rachel says
Such a great list. Wish you had it around when I was having babies! 😉
Abbey Sharp says
Aw thanks love
Emily @Sinful Nutrition says
Great tips! Keeping this handy for when the time comes. 😉
Abbey Sharp says
Amazing 🙂
Deborah Brooks says
This is such a great comprehensive guide! Well done
Abbey Sharp says
I hope so!